Your Donation Makes A Difference!

ELOHIM Love International Ministries wants to thank you for your support. Every dollar we receive goes to changing lives. We take your gifts seriously, and we make every effort to maximize your investment in our organization.

Suggested Amounts


ELOHIM Love International Ministries (ELIM) is a registered 501(C)(3) charitable organization. Our federal tax ID is #45-4158307. I (We) desire to make an irrevocable contribution to ELIM. If no designation is made, the gift will be used as General Funds where most needed. However, if gifts are designated to a Specific Fund, ELIM will use those gifts as designated with the understanding that ELIM has the ultimate decision as to the use of the funds. ELIM maintains full control over all gifts donated to ELIM and I (we) understand that if the function/mission account goes away for any reason, my (our) contribution will be used by ELIM as they deem appropriate.

GivingFuel Fundraising Software